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El origen de las uvas de Mercadona

Raimsa consolidates its position as supplier to Mercadona

During 2017, Mercadona maintained a significant level of investment in suppliers working in the agri-food sector in Alicante province, with purchases exceeding 714 million euros, a 13% increase on figures from the previous year.

Raimsa Grapes: Leading supplier to Mercadona in the agri-food sector

The Valencian supermarket firm, which also has the largest turnover at national level, currently works with 10 majority suppliers and about 900 SMEs in the province of Alicante in the agri-food sector whose activity generates more than 8,000 direct and indirect jobs.

In 2017, Mercadona purchased more than 8.8 million kilos of table grapes from various suppliers in the Medio Vinalopó region, among whom Raimsa once again featured prominently, consolidating our company’s presence as one of the Valencian firm’s trusted suppliers.