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El mercado demanda uvas sin pepitas en España

The market demands seedless grapes in Spain

The future of the table grape sector in Spain

The table grape sector in Spain is constantly evolving and currently focuses on the cultivation of seedless varieties, as they are the most demanded by consumers.

According to the report by the Cajamar Foundation, Spain leads the European production of seedless table grapes, with the Region of Murcia being the main cultivation area with approximately 3,000 hectares dedicated to its production.

New varieties to maintain competitiveness

Although the majority of seedless grape production is destined for export, it faces strong competition from countries like Morocco and Egypt. To counter this competition, Spain focuses on concentrating its production in the months of October, November, and December, with late varieties such as Crimson Seedless and Mountain Pearl, which are the most cultivated in the country. Additionally, other varieties such as Autumn Royal and Mystic Dream are also grown, albeit to a lesser extent.

It is important to highlight that the sector needs to introduce newer late varieties that allow for an extended production period and fill a gap in the market. Innovation in the cultivation and commercialization of new varieties will be essential to maintain the competitiveness of the table grape sector in Spain.